The Friends of the Morrill Homestead is a nonprofit, tax exempt organization that supports the Justin Smith Morrill Homestead, a State-Owned Historic Site in Strafford, Vermont. The Friends goals are to foster awareness of the life and legacy of Senator Justin Morrill and to enhance the preservation of the Morrill Homestead. We work with the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation—which owns and operates the Morrill Homestead—to maintain and restore this national historic landmark.
Justin Morrill was a remarkable American. Through his educational legislation and vision, Morrill changed our world, our nation and our lives. There are 105 Land-Grant colleges and universities in the United States with over 25 million graduates worldwide. Morrill was a true humanitarian whose life and legacy will be remembered and celebrated.
To those of you who are now learning about the Morrill Homestead and Justin Morrill’s significance, we invite you to make a tax deductible gift enabling the Friends to continue developing a variety of programs and educational materials for people of all ages.